We design, manufacture and install RO Plant for drinking, commercial, industrial and laboratory research applications and juice concentration while meeting region specific water standards and certifications. In addition to standard models, we also manufacture customized units based on your specific requirements such as flow rates, membrane types, and end use and operational and control choices. We assure you of unmatched price quote and product service.
An efficient pre-treatment is essential to enhance performance, membrane life and overall operating cost. As particulate matter presents in raw water, it becomes mandatory to pre-treat feed water in order to protect membranes from fouling or damaging ; therefore, pre- treatment directly impacts the performance of reverseosmosis membranes. It is the quality of feed water, which decides which pre-treatment method is required; media filtration (MGF/ACF), BagFilter, UV filtra tionand Ultra filtrationar ecommonre verseosmosispre - treatment solutions.